︎︎︎ Designer : I Nyoman Tri Sendyana
︎︎︎ Created : 2021-2022
︎︎︎ Software : Adobe Illustrator

Brand Identity and Social Media Content

BEM ITS Kabinet Unjuk Asa

Project Brief
︎︎︎ Selected as Directorate General of Creative Communication, I was responsible for creating brand identity including logo, grand design, social media template, and others while monitoring the application of grand design during six month period.

Project Duration 

About The Project
︎︎︎ For this works, I have to work on creating a visual look that can represent the spirit of realizing shared hope of ITS student under BEM ITS. To do that, I use colorful design to represent the hope for better futur of ITS student family.

Logo Concept
BEM ITS Kabinet Unjuk Asa

︎︎︎ Take a look at the meaning and concept behind the logo. 

Pergerakan Sosial Politik


Aktualisasi Karya & Inovasi


Sekretaris Jenderal

Kemenkoan KOMINREL
Komunikasi, Informasi, dan Relasi

Ministry Icon
Representative Icon for Each Ministries

︎︎︎ Each icon took shape of thing that represent each ministries with cartoon-like eyes and mouth to make it alive.

Social Media Feeds
Custom Social Media Feeds

︎︎︎ Above are the social media feeds that I custom created to introduce the cabinet of Unjuk Asa BEM ITSand also some feeds to celebrate special day such as Waisak and Nyepi.

Design Template
Template Social Media Feeds, Story, and Power Point Presentation

︎︎︎ To facilitate the huge needs for social media publication from each ministries, social media design templates
are created specifically for each ministries using their main color. Not only for social media needs, there are also templates for Power Point presentation for each ministries.

Instagram Feeds Templates

Instagram Story Templates

Power Point Presentation Templates

Portfolio by

I Nyoman Tri Sendyana

Thank you very much for you time in my space.

If you want to collaborate with me, just reach me through my social media!

︎ ︎